
CRP 211: Principles of Crop Production (3 Units)

Crop production and its development. The principles, problem and prospect of crop production. Importance of crop rotation, cultural practices, and soil conservation, irrigation, irrigation and drainage. General types and characteristics of arthropods, micro-organisms and other pests affecting crops. Weed and their effects on crop production, pests, diseases and weed control. Principles of crop production, harvesting, processing and storage.

CRP 212: Anatomy, Taxonomy and Physiology of Agricultural Plants (3 Units)

Introduction to plant taxonomy. Parts of the crops cell types. Characteristics, distribution, economic importance and local examples of Fabaceae (formally Leguminosae); Phocaea (formerly Graminasae), Asteraceae (formerly Composite), Dioscoreacae.  Comparative anatomy of major plant organs. Enzymes, photosynthesis and translocation; pollination, respiration and energy utilization; seed dormancy and germination, development, mineral nutrition.

CRP 221: Principles of Forestry and Wildlife (2 Units)

Renewable natural resources: availability, distribution and potential. The important forest trees and wildlife (with emphasis on Nigerian species). Classification, morphology and distribution of important forest trees. Forest and game reserves in Nigeria. Silviculture; afforestation; characteristics of major timber and their uses.  Felling and log transportation. 

CRP 222:  Introduction to Horticulture (2 Units)

Importance, scope and distribution of fruits and vegetables grown in Nigeria with preference to    climate and soil, basic principles and practices of horticulture; ornamental gardening, importance of nursing; nursery systems; preparation, organization and management ground and bag nurseries; propagation methods; requirements for sitting fruit orchards and vegetable farms, cultural practices involved in the cultivation of important fruits and vegetables; mango, citrus, pineapple, banana, plantain, tomato, onion, pepper, egg-plant and leafy vegetables.

CRP 223: Introduction to Climatology and Biogeography (3 Units)

The principles, aims and scope of Climatology and Biogeography. The elements and control of climate and weather and the dynamics of the earth’s atmosphere. Radiation and heating of the atmospheric systems. Condensation and precipitation processes. Seasonal variations in temperature, day-length, radiation, rainfall and evapo-transpiration. Equipment and maintenance of standard meteorological stations. The tropical climate; relation between agriculture and climate with reference to crops, livestock, irrigation, pests and diseases.